The Mid-Wales & Borders Soaring Club


  • Grid Ref: SH865054
  • 52.633324, -3.678360
  • Wind Dir: 210-330
  • Grid Ref: CP
  • HG Rating: CP
  • Liaison: Piers Nesbitt

Pre-flight contact: 

  1. Mr. Jones, Brynmeurig Farm. SH 852053.

Access & parking: 

  1. Call at Brynmeurig. Pay £2 site fee and leave name in hall if nobody in. If the gate across the main track is open, close it after you go through. If the gate is locked, get key from Mr Jones.

Bottom landing: 

  1. Low approach over bottom gate by forest and land in SW direction in field at SN 857059.
  2. Field at SH 855054 (650 ft TTB).

Restrictions & notes: 

Unsuitable for paragliders in higher winds because of windmills. On a good XC day the sea breeze can set in as early as 10.30 am which will put the lid on thermals. When the wind is NW it is possible to get a good cloud street formation off the Cadair Idris range. Also possible to fly the South end of the ridge, but any slope landings must be above the fence which runs across the hill face.

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The Mid-Wales & Borders Soaring Club.

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