The Mid-Wales & Borders Soaring Club

Constitution Hill

  • Grid Ref: SN584828
  • 52.427547, -4.081078
  • Wind Dir: 285-320
  • Grid Ref: CP
  • HG Rating: CP
  • Liaison: Steven Griffiths


A good site if you like an audience!!

Access & parking: 

Access is from the north side of Aberystwyth town, (Cliff Terrace). Ascend the hill by the path near the cliff railway. Or you can declare your intent to fly at the railway ticket office and try to blag a free ride to the top! Access is also possible from Clarach Bay Holiday Village to the north of Constitution Hill. Free car parking is to the S side of Clarach Village, close to the beach.

Follow the coast path, looking out for steps and a stile on the left leading to a direct path to the top.

There is a private road to the top but there is absolutely no access this way- anyone attempting to drive to the top will create huge problems for us with this site.


The ‘official’ launch is the most northerly point before the boundary fence. Unofficially local pilots use the fields on either side of the radar station, staying well away from any animals. Public footpaths run through these fields. In the unlikely event of being challenged by the farmer/grazier remaining courteous is more likely to create a positive outcome!

Be ready for turbulence in strong winds when launching over the cliff edge, - just at the moment of getting into the pod! Also be aware of power lines behind.

Top Landing: 

‘Official’ top landing is a very small area immediately behind take off. Beware rotor if the wind is from the west. Local pilots use the ‘unofficial’ large flat field to the north of the radar station, or slope land. Again power lines behind.

Bottom landing: 

There is no bottom landing at the foot of the cliffs when the tide is in, and it is very limited even when the tide is out, being mainly rocks, pools, and spurs, with small areas of beach in between requiring good piloting skills to reach. Always fly with at least enough height to glide to Aberystwyth or Clarach beaches should the wind suddenly drop.

Landing is very limited on Aberystwyth beach when the tide is in, particularly in the tourist season. Similarly Clarach beach can get quite crowded. Assess landing options before launching!

Restrictions & notes: 

There are several large spurs emerging from the cliff face, particularly near the cliff railway end. Beware of rotor behind them if low, particularly when wind is off to N or W.

The wind is frequently off to N here. There is a 350m approx. NNW facing slope overlooking Clarach seafront that can be flown, but low airtime pilots in particular please note that the air here can often be quite rough, with possible rotor from cliffs to the N, combined with thermic activity from the holiday village in sunshine. Venturing further inland becomes increasingly hazardous, with limited landing options & power lines, combined with possibly severe turbulence.

If wind veers further to N or NNE and is strong, top landing may be a better option, as both Aberystwyth and Clarach beaches move into the lee of sea cliffs.

If flying in sea breeze conditions, keep an eye on inland wind turbines, as the front may not be that far behind you!

In exceptional conditions it may be possible to cross Aberystwyth and connect with Pen Dinas and sea cliffs to the S. A more likely prospect though is the ridge run to Borth and back, which should only be attempted at low tide. Take care! The initial crossing of Clarach bay means that paragliders often arrive very low, - on scratchy little sea cliffs, with very limited options if it doesn’t work!

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